Hello ! ScienceApps release today in a new version for “Lightning Impact”. The app name changes to “GPS lightning Impact”. Create your own lightning impact map !!! “GPS lightning impact” is an amazing app that allows you to locate lightning Impacts using GPS, in order to make your own lightning impact map around your location. […]
GPS Lightning Impact Online Help
Welcome to GPS Lightning Impact online help 1. GPS location 2. Basics 3. Altitude 4. How to save Impacts ? 5. Lightning Impacts map. 6. Export data 7. Electromagnetic fields calculation 8. Sound speed 9. Units Metric/imperial GPS location : This app uses your GPS location to locate lightning Impacts. Press the green button to […]
Lightning Impact
NEW MAJOR VERSION RELEASED WITH GPS LIGHTNING IMPACT LOCATION ! This app * calculates where lightning struck. * calculates the altitude of a lightning. * calculates Electroagnetic fields around the lightning. * supports unit conversion (U.S and S.I). * Saves the TOP 5 nearest lightning impacts. * … download this app !
Lightning Impact : Magnetic field
For a straight wire
Lightning impact : Help topics
Welcome to Lightning Impact Help Topics Topics available: How to use “Altitude” function How to use “Sound speed” function Information about Electric Fields Information about Magnetic Fields Unit conversion